First Avenue Classics ™
From Alice and the Wizard of Oz to Hamlet and Don Quixote, your favorite characters from literature are now accessible from any digital device. First Avenue Classics transform unabridged versions of literary staples into compelling digital layouts, making the books appealing and easier to read. Students and educators will be able to easily navigate the fixed-format pagination and hyperlinked table of contents. When available, original illustrations are also featured.
First Avenue Classics are available for purchase by individual title or as a group using the collection ISBN. Multi-user access covers the entire school, allowing titles to be simultaneously used for classroom assignments, book club picks, and independent reading. Each school owns the eBooks forever—no hosting or subscription fees apply. Instead of annually resupplying lost books from classroom collections of assigned classics, purchase a multi-user eBook once and have it for years to come.
First Avenue Classics eBooks also come with:
• MARC record links: Students can access purchased titles directly from your library catalog. MARC records are free with direct orders of $350 or more.
• Customized QR code labels: Students simply scan QR codes with a mobile device to instantly access your library’s multi-user eBooks—no password needed. QR code labels are also free with orders of $350 or more.
• Downloadable capability: With the click of a button, all First Avenue Classics can be downloaded to a mobile device for offline reading.