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962 records found. Displaying 1 - 24.
The Great Narwhal Rescue: Saving the Arctic Ocean's Narwhals
From the Series Sandra Markle's Science Discoveries
With their long tusks, narwhals are unique whales that live in the Arctic Ocean. But as climate change causes global temperatures to rise, less and less sea ice is covering the Arctic… Read More →
AI Basics
From the Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence
People imagined artificial intelligence as far back as the early 1900s. In the 1940s, the first programmed computers were created. Over time, scientists created better computers modeled after Read More →
AI Safety
From the Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is continuing to evolve every day. When technology advances so rapidly, it sparks discussion about the ethics of AI and how it’s being used. How can the government… Read More →
AI and the Arts
From the Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence
In the past, people could only imagine how artificial intelligence might impact humanity. These days we’re seeing AI in action. AI can be used in many forms of art, from music to poetry. AI’s Read More →
Activistas climáticos (Climate Activists): Una guía gráfica (A Graphic Guide)
From the Series La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis)
El cambio climático está dañando el planeta. Crea problemas para personas, plantas y animales. Proteger el ambiente es importante para nuestro futuro. Los activistas climáticos trabajan para… Read More →
Asteroids and Comets: Orbiting Space Rocks
From the Series Exploring Our Solar System with The Planetary Society ®
Each asteroid and comet is unique. But what makes them unique, and why are these space objects so interesting to scientists? Learn about the first spacecraft to visit an asteroid, what gives… Read More →
Bosques y deforestación (Forests and Deforestation): Una guía gráfica (A Graphic Guide)
From the Series La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis)
Los bosques producen el aire que necesitamos para respirar. Proporcionan sombra y hogar a personas y animales. Nos dan madera para combustible y como material para la construcción. ¡Y son… Read More →
Combustibles fósiles (Fossil Fuels): Una guía gráfica (A Graphic Guide)
From the Series La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis)
Los combustibles fósiles calefaccionan nuestros hogares. Impulsan a automóviles, camiones y aviones. Pero cada vez que se usan estos combustibles, aumentan las temperaturas de la Tierra.… Read More →
Dwarf Planets: Small Round Worlds
From the Series Exploring Our Solar System with The Planetary Society ®
How many dwarf planets are in our solar system? What makes them different from planets? And how long does it take them to go around the Sun? From Pluto to Haumea, discover what scientists… Read More →
Exploring Artificial Intelligence — Hardcover Set
From the Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming a major part of society, impacting our daily lives. Inspired by news headlines and cutting-edge uses, this introductory series explores the… Read More →
Extinción de animales (Animal Extinctions): Una guía gráfica (A Graphic Guide)
From the Series La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis)
El aumento de las temperaturas en todo el planeta pone en riesgo a los animales, que pierden el lugar donde viven. Pierden las fuentes de alimento y agua. Para el año 2070, hasta un tercio de Read More →
How AI Works
From the Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence
Engineers and scientists have been developing AI since the 1950s, and it has come a long way since then! AI can now assist in everyday life, from self-driving cars to diagnosing illnesses and Read More →
La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis) — Hardcover Set
From the Series La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis)
Los efectos del cambio climático se están haciendo cada vez más visibles y transforman la vida de las personas y los ambientes que las rodean. Esta serie explora las causas y los efectos del… Read More →
Migrantes climáticos (Climate Migrants): Una guía gráfica (A Graphic Guide)
From the Series La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis)
Verse forzado a dejar su hogar es algo que nadie quiere experimentar. Pero el cambio climático está causando inundaciones, nuevos patrones meteorológicos y la destrucción de casas y ciudades. Read More →
Océanos, glaciares y aumento del nivel del mar (Oceans, Glaciers, and Rising Sea Levels): Una guía gráfica (A Graphic Guide)
From the Series La crisis climática (The Climate Crisis)
La Tierra está compuesta en casi un 70 % por agua. La mayor parte de esta agua está congelada en forma de glaciares. A medida que nuestro planeta se calienta, los glaciares se están… Read More →
The Challenges of AI
From the Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence has existed for decades, and it continues to improve. But the growth of AI technology has created many challenges. AI has taken jobs from humans. When asked a… Read More →
The Future of AI
From the Series Exploring Artificial Intelligence
No one knows exactly how artificial intelligence will develop, but the answer might be found in the past. Early AI technology dates back to the 1940s, and growth in the field slowly led to… Read More →
The Moon: Our Nearest Neighbor
From the Series Exploring Our Solar System with The Planetary Society ®
The Moon is our neighbor in space. And its orbit is slowly moving farther away from Earth each year. Learn about the Moon’s phases, the history of exploring the Moon, what we have discovered… Read More →
The Sun: Our Solar System's Star
From the Series Exploring Our Solar System with The Planetary Society ®
The Sun is important for life on Earth. And it's much larger than the planets! From how the Sun formed to the spacecraft that have studied the Sun, learn all about the huge star at the center Read More →
Asteroids and Comets: Use Your STEM Skills to Explore Mysterious Space Objects
From the Series Mission: Space Science
Comets and asteroids swoop through our solar system, inspiring fascination and fear. But what are these spectacular space bodies, where do they come from, and how can we monitor them? Comets Read More →
Beyond the Solar System: Use Your STEM Skills to Explore Outer Space
From the Series Mission: Space Science
Beyond our solar system is an enormous expanse of stars, other solar systems, glittering galaxies, matter-eating black holes, and other fascinating space mysteries. But what do we know about… Read More →
Cloud Computing
From the Series How High-Tech Changed the World
Every day, hundreds of millions of people around the world use computer apps such as Dropbox, Gmail, iCloud, and Spotify. When people use these Internet-based services, they are making use… Read More →
Earth and the Moon: Use Your STEM Skills to Explore Our Earth and Moon
From the Series Mission: Space Science
Earth is an amazing place, and the crater-filled moon that orbits it is no less intriguing. But what do we know about our planet and its satellite? Earth and the Moon explores our home and… Read More →
From the Series How High-Tech Changed the World
GPS has forever changed how we travel and find places. But what is the story behind this amazing technology, how does it work, and who invented it? Readers discover all this and more in this Read More →