Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best way to order Lerner Publishing Group titles?
The quickest way to place and process an order is through the website, or by emailing purchase orders to If you prefer to place a direct order, call 800-328-4929 Monday through Friday, 8 am-5 pm CT.
When I place my order, how long will it take to receive it?
Most orders will arrive within 7-10 business days. If you have requested library processing for your order, please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. You will receive tracking information by email when your shipment leaves our warehouse.
For information on orders you have placed, contact customer support at 800-328-4929 for assistance. Please have your order number as a reference.
What is the cost for shipping and handling?
Shipping and handling charges are automatically calculated on online orders during the checkout process. Shipping and handling is 10% of the order total with a minimum charge of $7.50. All orders over $350.00 receive free shipping and shelf-ready processing. Contact customer support at 800-328-4929 for shipping and handling estimates prior to placing an order.
Can I use my own shipping account number?
If you have a Federal Express or UPS shipping account number that you would like to use for your shipment, please contact Customer Support for assistance at 800-328-4929.
Are your books discounted on your website?
We offer a 25% discount on all hardcovers, eBooks, and Audisee eBooks with Audio purchased through our website.
Do you charge sales tax?
If required by your state’s laws, sales tax will be added to the order. Sales tax is automatically calculated during the checkout process for online orders. If your organization is tax exempt, please upload a copy of your tax exempt certificate during checkout. If you have questions, please contact customer support at 800-328-4929 prior to placing an order.
I would like to have library-processing on my books. How should I proceed?
Please use our Library Processing Wizard. This online tool allows us to store your specifications with your account.
Do you have a sales representative in my area?
If you are a librarian, educator, or bookseller, we would be happy to connect you with the sales representative in your area. Our national sales representatives will be able to meet with you to discuss our latest offerings, show samples of our books, and tell you about our exclusive sales offers. Please click here to find your local rep or contact Customer Support at or 800-328-4929, and we will provide the contact information for the sales representative in your area.
Where are Lerner Publishing Group's offices?
Lerner Publishing Group is headquartered in Minneapolis, MN. Our offices are located at 241 First Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55401. Our distribution center is located at CGC Fulfillment Warehouse, 150 Kingswood Drive, Mankato, MN 56001 (c/o Lerner Publishing Group).
Do you have distributors outside of the United States?
Select titles from our offerings may be ordered in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, and the United Kingdom through the following distributors. If you are looking for a distributor in a country other than these, please contact Maria Kjoller, director of rights, special sales, and international sales, at
Canadian Distributors:
Saunders Book Company (Libraries Only)
P.O. Box 308
Collingwood Ontario
L9Y 3Z7
Tel: 800-461-9120
Fax: 800-561-1763
J. Appleseed (Classroom only)
P.O. Box 129
Collingwood, Ontario
L9Y 3Z7
Toll Free: 866-575-5007
Fax: 866-893-4789
Firefly Books (Trade and Kar-Ben only)
50 Staples Avenue, Unit 1
Richmond Hill, ON
Canada L4B 0A7
Toll Free: (800) 387-6192
Toll Free Fax: (800) 450-0391
Australia Distributor (Darby Creek, Lerner Classroom, Lerner Publications, Millbrook Press, Zest Books, Creston Books, Red Chair Press):
Novella Distribution
Unit 3
5 Currumbin Court
Capalaba QLD 4157
Phone: 07 3167 6519
Web site: <a href=
Australian and New Zealand Distributor (Carolrhoda, Carolrhoda LAB, Graphic Universe)
Walker Books Australia Pty Ltd
Locked Bag 22 Newtown NSW 2042
Tel: 02 9517 9577
Fax: 02 9517 9997
Web site:
New Zealand & South Pacific Islands (Darby Creek, Lerner Classroom, Lerner Publications, Millbrook Press, Twenty-First Century Books, Zest Books; Creston Books, Full Tilt Press, Red Chair Press):
Du Bois Enterprises Ltd
8 Harry Human Heights
Auckland 1072
New Zealand.
Phone: 09 528 9126
Web: <a
South Africa:
Phambili Agencies
Better Homes Expo Centre
11 Sunrock Close, Sunnyrock Park
Ext. 2 Germiston 1401 South Africa
Tel: +27 11 455-3537
Fax: +27 11 455-3656
Singapore & Malaysia, Brunei
Publishers Marketing Services
10-C Jalan Ampas #07-01
Ho Seng Lee Flatted Warehouse
Singapore 329513
Tel: 65-6256 5166
Fax: 65-6253 0008
U.K. Distributor:
Bounce Sales and Marketing Ltd.
320 City Road
Tel 0207 138 3650
How do I check whether translation, subsidiary, movie, electronic, or distribution rights are available?
Please contact Maria Kjoller, director of rights, special sales, and international sales, at
May I photocopy, scan or republish portions of a book's text or images?
Please contact to submit your inquiry. Please be as specific as possible in your email regarding the details of your request so that we may respond quickly on whether your intended usage of our text or images falls within fair use guidelines or will require you to gain special permissions.
Do you offer Core Collections and Opening Day Collections?
Yes! Lerner is pleased to provide recommended Core and Opening Day Collections matched to the expressed needs of your school district or library system. Whether refreshing your library or opening a new school, these collections cover an essential range of subjects to satisfy the curious minds of our elementary, middle school, and high school readers. Adding further value, our Core and Opening Day Collections are eligible for a 35% discount, free shelf-ready processing, and free shipping.
To request a Core or Opening Day Collection, please contact Brad Richason at 800-328-4929, ext. 364 or via email:
How do I know if a book is out of stock? Will a book that is out of stock automatically be backordered?
You are now able to check a book’s current availability on the book’s detail page as well as in your shopping cart. Books that are no longer in print will not appear on Lerner Publishing Group’s website.
If you pre-order a book before its release date, or if you order a book that is temporarily out of stock, the book will automatically be "backordered”. When the titles become available, they will be shipped and billed to you.
Please note: Backordered titles are not eligible for affixed library processing. Customers will receive unaffixed processing material for those titles along with the main order shipment.
What should I do if I'm unhappy with my books?
Your satisfaction is guaranteed! If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your order from Lerner Publishing Group, please contact our Customer Support Team, via phone at 800-328-4929 or email to, within 30 days and we will gladly replace the book(s) or credit your account. We will accept returns on any ordered material found unsatisfactory.* Books must be returned within 60 days of purchase and be accompanied by a copy of the invoice.
*PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept returns on books with affixed library processing unless those books have not been properly processed according to your instructions.
What is a library binding?
A library binding features extra-strong glues and/or reinforced stitching that keeps the pages of the book firmly attached to the covers. These bindings stand up in libraries, where frequent checkouts and hard use by patrons would wear out a normal, or “trade,” hardcover binding. Look for the Muscle Bound logo on the back of the book’s cover to determine whether your book is library bound.
The bindings of our library-bound hardcover books are guaranteed for the life of the book. If you ever have problems with the bindings of a Muscle Bound book, please contact our Customer Support Team at 800-328-4929 for a free replacement.
Do your products meet safety guidelines?
Lerner Publishing Group has an exemplary safety record and devotes considerable resources to manage our supply chain to produce safe and compliant products. Further, our books do not pose choking risk as they do not contain small parts, balloons, small balls or marbles, or any magnetic components. Lerner Publishing Group has been advised by our manufacturers that our books do not exceed the CPSC lead limit.
How are your reading levels determined?
Reading levels are determined by our experienced authors, editors and consultants, who give careful consideration to factors such as word recognition, vocabulary choice, contextual support, sentence complexity, sentence length, paragraph length, overall text length, and other factors. We also take into account the book’s layout, offering visual cues and organizational support in the way the pages are designed. We check our reading levels against computerized leveling systems, but we use human judgment to make the final determination.
Many of our books are sent out for leveling from recognized reading assessment programs, including ATOS, Lexile, and Guided Reading Levels. These levels are added to the book descriptions on our website and in our catalogs as soon as we receive them from the programs.
Please remember that reading levels are an estimation of when a child should be able to read the text independently. Each child has unique needs, and their different abilities and experiences may make some texts easier or more difficult for them.
How do I receive a copy of a book to review in my blog, newsletter, or professional book?
Please contact our Publicity Department via email at
How do I receive copies of your books for a review center?
Please contact Brad Richason, School & Library and Classroom Sales Manager, via email at
Are tests for your books available on Accelerated Reader® or Reading Counts™ reading incentive programs?
Yes! Many of our books have tests available on these reading incentive programs. Look for ATOS and RC indicators on the book detail pages to determine whether a particular title is available on a program.
I'd like to contact one of your authors or illustrators. How do I get in touch with them?
Many of our authors and illustrators have individual pages on the website that may include a personal blog, Facebook page, or Twitter account through which you may contact them. You may also write to your favorite author, illustrator, or photographer in care of Lerner Publishing Group, and we will forward your correspondence on to them. Please contact our Publicity Department via email at or send letters to:
c/o Publicity Department
Lerner Publishing Group
241 First Avenue N
Minneapolis, MN 55401
If you would like one of our authors or illustrators to participate in an event or interview, please contact our Publicity Department via email at
How do I submit a book idea or artwork to Lerner Publishing Group?
Please review our Submission Guidelines.
How do I change, add, or remove a new shipping or billing address?
To change your billing address, please contact customer support directly at 800-328-4929 or email us at
To change your shipping address, sign in by clicking Sign In in the top right corner of the page. Once you are signed in, click Your Account, then click Profile in the drop-down menu, then click Address Book in the menu on the right.
How do I change my email address or password?
To change your email address, sign in by clicking Sign In in the top right corner of the page. Once you are signed in, click Your Account.
How do I enter or change credit card information?
Currently we do not store credit card information on the website. When you proceed to checkout, you will first be asked to review your billing and shipping information. Next, you will be asked to enter your payment information. Enter your credit card information here. If your billing address does not match your credit card billing address, the purchase may be declined. Please contact customer support if you need to update your billing address. We can be reached at 800-328-4929 or
What if I forget my user name or password?
If you forget your username or password, enter your username in the “Username or Email” field in the “Sign In” area and click the “Login” button. The “Sign In” form will expand to include options to retrieve your forgotten password or contact Customer Support at 800-328-4929.
What are the Library Processing Charges listed on my order confirmation?
Charges for library processing are dependent on your particular specifications. To see exact charges, please review the specifications you’ve selected in the library processing wizard which details your charges. Orders over $350.00 receive free shelf-ready library processing.
Some items in my order are not available immediately. Will shipment be delayed on the entire order?
We will group your shipment by availability date. You can expect to receive all in stock items that are immediately available in approximately 7-10 business days. Items that are not available with your initial shipment will be sent as soon as they arrive in our inventory. You will be charged only when your items ship.
What forms of payment will you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover online and by phone. For check, ACH, or a line of credit, contact Customer Support at 800-328-4929.
What are the shipping options?
We select the best available shipping option provided by known and respected carriers, based on competitive rates, at the time of the order. Expect delivery via UPS, USPS or FedEx. Your tracking number will indicate which carrier has been selected. If you wish to use your own shipping account, please contact Customer Support at 800-328-4929.
How do I purchase Lerner Digital™ products?
Contact your Lerner Digital sales representative or our customer service department at 800-328-4929 or
First-time purchasers of Lerner Digital products will be set up with an account to access their Lerner Digital bookshelf through any web-enabled device.
Are there any subscription fees or renewal charges?
Databases are sold on an annual subscription basis. Your database subscription will not be automatically renewed. Other digital products, including single or multi-user ebooks, Audisee eBooks with Audio®, Lerner Interactive Books™, audiobooks, eReadalongs, and Read-Alouds, are sold at a one-time cost with no renewal charges.
Can I preview sample Lerner Digital products for free?
Yes, Lerner Digital offers a free 30-day trial to try samples of our products. Visit to register for a free 30-day trial.
Upon registration, you will receive login information to access your bookshelf at
How do I access Lerner Digital products?
Use any web-enabled device to access your account at Once logged in, visit your bookshelf to select which of your purchased books you wish to read.
Not seeing a login option? You may already be logged in. Simply click the “Bookshelf” link to see your books.
Lerner Digital also offers a free Lerner eBook app to access our products on devices such as iPads, Chromebooks, and Android devices. All Lerner Digital products are available on iPad® and Chromebook, and Lerner Digital eBooks are available on Android™.
To download our app on your device, please refer to the following links:
For iPad and iPhone, visit the Apple App Store.
For Chromebook, visit the Chrome Web Store.
For Android devices, visit Google Play.
Can users access Lerner Digital products with a QR Code?
Yes! Lerner Digital offers QR code stickers to allow users instant access on their mobile devices. The QR code stickers are easy to use. You can attach them to a poster, create a binder of digital titles, or apply them to the covers of your physical books. Users simply scan the QR codes with their mobile device to gain instant access. Access to your account is built in, so no login or password is required.
QR codes are free with orders of $350 and above, or for a nominal fee on smaller orders. Contact your Lerner Digital sales representative or customer service at 800-328-4929 or for further details or a demonstration.
Can users access Lerner Digital products through a public library card?
Yes! If your public library has an account with Lerner Digital, users may login with their library card number to access the Lerner Digital bookshelf at
For assistance, contact customer service at 800-328-4929 or
How many simultaneous users can access Lerner Digital™ products at the same time?
Lerner Digital products are sold with multi-user and single-user access. Under the single-user model, one (1) person may access an eBook at any given time. Under the multi-user model, the eBook can be simultaneously viewed by all students within a school building.
Are MARC records available for Lerner Digital™ products?
MARC records can be created for digital product in the same manner as print product. These MARC records contain a direct link to the purchased material with no need for login credentials. Processing specifications can be created online, or you can contact Lerner Customer Service to create your specifications profile. Be sure to indicate any special processing needed for digital materials, including any deviations from print MARC record field/subfield requirements and call tag information (if applicable).
Are there volume discounts available for district sales or public library systems?
We offer a 25% discount on all hardcovers, eBooks, Interactive Books, and Audisee eBooks with Audio purchased through our website by schools and libraries. The prices listed for all digital formats pertain to multi-user licenses. For single-use licenses, please call Customer Support at 800-328-4929. Sales tax will be added where applicable. All prices are subject to change without notice.
Please contact our Sales Manager, Brad Richason, at or 800-328-4929, ext. 364, for information on volume discounts.
I forgot my password for Lerner Digital. What should I do?
From the main page on, enter the username or email address associated with your admin or individual account and receive an email with a password reset link. Common user passwords cannot be recovered via this process.
I'm having trouble logging in to my account. What should I do?
Please contact customer service at 800-328-4929 or Please be ready to answer questions about the device and browser you are using to access your account.
How do I log in to my admin or student account?
Before logging into your admin or student account, you must first be logged into your institutional account. Log in using your institutional credentials at then click the downward facing triangle next to your institution’s name in the upper right corner of the page. From this dropdown menu, select “Admin/Student Login” then log in using your admin or student account credentials. After successfully logging into your admin or student account, you should see your name and institution in the upper right corner of the screen. If another user is logged into your institution’s bookshelf, simply click the downward facing triangle next to your institution’s name, and select “Logout” from the dropdown menu. Then select “Admin/Student Login” from th dropdown menu to log into your account.
Who do I contact about web accessibility?
We are dedicated to ensuring that our website content is accessible and user-friendly for everyone. If you experience any challenges in viewing or navigating the content, or if you identify any features or functionalities that may not be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities, please reach out to our Customer Service team by phone at 800-328-4929 or email at We value your feedback and will take it into account as we explore ways to improve accessibility for all our customers and enhance our overall policies.