Webinars from Lerner
View the latest videos from Lerner Publishing Group. Founded in 1959, Lerner is one of the nation’s largest independent children’s book publishers, dedicated to creating high-quality and award-winning nonfiction and fiction titles for grades PreK-12. Visit lernerbooks.com to see our wide range of print and digital books for children and teens.
Seasonal Preview Webinars
Watch videos from our editors previewing upcoming releases for PreK-12, including fiction, graphic novels, nonfiction series, and more!
Fall 2024 Preview
Spring 2024 Preview
Fall 2023 Preview
Spring 2023 Preview
Webinars by Topic
The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie webinar
Missed our live discussion on gender diversity and the launch of The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie? You can still experience this powerful conversation by accessing the recording.
From inspiring stories of gender diverse identities throughout history to practical strategies for being a better ally, this webinar is a must-watch for anyone looking to deepen their understanding and celebrate the infinite variety of gender.
Knockout Nonfiction Webinar - Lerner Publisher Services
Discover high-interest nonfiction resources for curious readers and school research projects in these well-crafted series from Lerner Publisher Services' exceptional publishing partners, including Mayo Clinic Press Kids, Cheriton Children’s Books, Full Tilt Press, Hungry Tomato, and Ruby Tuesday Books.
Explore the exciting-but-gory past of ancient civilizations, discover some of our planet’s most incredible organisms and the brutal biomes they inhabit, and ingest bite-sized facts about the fascinating world of sharks. You’ll hear about a cutting-edge STEM series with an emphasis on diversity and the authority of Mayo Clinic, and you’ll learn how to satisfy curious minds with the giggle-worthy facts and illustrations of The Inquisitive Kid’s Guide to the Human Body. From crafts to crime science, you’ll find must-have nonfiction finds for your elementary and middle grade readers.
Our knowledgeable panelists will share their latest and greatest series nonfiction offerings, and you'll be blown away with new ideas and inspiration for filling gaps in your shelves.
Lifting Diverse Voices
Join Cicely Lewis, founder of #ReadWoke, for a panel discussion with authors Talia Aikens-Nuñez, Lars Ortiz, and Dr. Artika Tyner, spotlighting social justice through young adult nonfiction. Talia Aikens-Nuñez unveils the lesser-known tale of the 65th US Army Regiment during the Korean War in her book Men of the 65th, emphasizing the discrimination these soldiers faced. Lars Ortiz's, author of Walls and Welcome Mats delves into America's immigration history, humanizing the struggles and aspirations of immigrants. Dr. Tyner’s newest book, Reimagining Police critically examines U.S. policing, refuting the notion that calls for reform are anti-police and advocating for a more unified future.
Learn how to engage teen readers through these challenging topics, discover the value of having diverse voices contributing to historical discussions, and discuss ways to encourage teens to read more nonfiction.
Spring Picture Books
Get an up-close look at new and already beloved picture books from a few of Lerner Publisher Services' exceptional publishing partners. During this free webinar, you'll hear from both US-based and international publishers about their most exciting picture books this spring.
Our passionate presenters will share their delight in these joyful reads, and you’ll come away with new inspiration for perfect spring picture books.
Partnering with District Stakeholders to Grow Literacy
Dr. Dana T. Bedden, Superintendent of Schools, and his team brought the Centennial School District community together to inspire joyful reading and engage families in literacy over summer break. A selection committee made up of teachers, parents, and students reviewed and ranked a selection of books to be distributed to students in take-home literacy kits. With all the meaningful feedback from these stakeholders, board members were excited to welcome the chosen titles and help students build and expand their home libraries. In this edWebinar, Dr. Bedden and Anthony Gabriele, Assistant to the Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, discuss the importance of this process in bringing families and communities together.
Hidden History: Pulling Back the Curtain on Marginalized Groups of the Past and Present
Are you looking for books that cover topics that have historically been hidden, covered up, or outright denied? Join creators Lee Wind, Paula Yoo, Don Tate, Natasha Donovan and Annette Bay Pimentel as they discuss recent publications covering LGBTQ history, violence against Asian Americans, how Black History Month came to be, lesser-known African American and Native American heroes, and disability rights activists.
LGBTQ+ History in Children's Books
Lerner Publishing Group presents children’s & YA book creators to talk about their books in honor of LGBT+ History Month in October. We’ll cover the importance of queer history in literature for today’s young readers, how readers can find role models in both fiction and nonfiction, and the difference and importance of recognizing queer history in addition to LGBTQ+ Pride in June.
5 Ways to Increase Nonfiction Circulation and Create Passionate Nonfiction Readers with SLJ
A growing body of research shows that many students enjoy nonfiction as much as or more than fiction, but library circulation doesn’t always reflect that. Discover how five school librarians increased their students’ interest in nonfiction through weeding aggressively, re-arranging and displaying books in creative ways, and highlighting it with innovative activities.
Graphic Novels: Teaching Up to Their Potential
Are you taking full advantage of the skill-building potential provided by graphic novels? What literacy skills can be practiced and honed using graphic novels? Which books are best for which purposes? Who still needs to be convinced that graphic novels have a role in promoting literacy—and how?
Join a powerhouse panel of experts—Betsy Bird, Shveta Miller, Susannah Richards, and Ted Anderson—who will discuss using graphic novels with all types of readers at all grade levels.
Not Just for Kids: How to Use Picture Books with Tweens and Teens
Are you pigeonholing your picture books, limiting them to just primary grades? Gain insights from librarians and literacy luminaries Betsy Bird, Cicely Lewis, and Susannah Richards as they discuss the benefits of and strategies for using picture books with older students—including middle grade and high schoolers.
A Panel Discussion with Carole Boston Weatherford, Cicely Lewis, Elliott Smith, and Dr. Artika Tyner
Join Carole Boston Weatherford, Cicely Lewis, Elliott Smith, and Dr. Artika Tyner in a webinar with SLJ as they discuss the importance of Black nonfiction authorship, lifting up authentic voices and hidden figures in history, exposing prejudices and the problems it has caused in our society, and inspiring readers to speak out against injustice.
Unlimited eBook Sharing + PDF Manipulation Using Kami and Google Chrome
Our multi-user eBooks allow unlimited access to every student in your school simultaneously. Learn how you can download, save, and share our multi-user editions and discover how you can increase visibility of eBooks in your collection.
Powerful Solutions for Auditory Learners: Audisee® eBooks with Audio
Audisee eBooks with Audio combine professional narration and text highlighting. During this webinar, we demonstrated how Audisee eBooks with Audio offer multimodal approaches to literacy development to benefit beginning readers, struggling readers, reluctant readers, ESL/ELL learners, auditory learners and audiobook listeners.
READ WOKE: 5 Ways to Identify a #ReadWoke Book
What is a #ReadWoke book—and how can having more of them benefit your library program? Why are #OwnVoices books important? Join librarian, SLJ columnist, and #ReadWoke founder Cicely Lewis to learn more about the #ReadWoke movement, the power of #OwnVoices books, and how diversifying your collections will make a difference in your library.
Full STEAM Ahead with Booklist
Combining science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and now, the arts, STEAM-inspired curriculums have been foundational in jump-starting critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity in students of all ages. Discover STEAM-centric titles for grades K-12.
Thrilling YA Series to Reach Reluctant Readers
Boost reading success for reluctant readers in your library with Darby Creek high/low titles from Lerner! Fast-paced stories on high-interest themes, in a wide variety of fiction genres, draw in students and keep them reading. Learn about our latest titles and bestselling favorites, plus tips for reaching reluctant readers in your library.