Frequently Asked Questions
How do I purchase Lerner Digital™ products?
Contact your Lerner Digital sales representative or our customer service department at 800-328-4929 or
First-time purchasers of Lerner Digital products will be set up with an account to access their Lerner Digital bookshelf through any web-enabled device.
Are there any subscription fees or renewal charges?
Databases are sold on an annual subscription basis. Your database subscription will not be automatically renewed. Other digital products, including single or multi-user ebooks, Audisee eBooks with Audio®, Lerner Interactive Books™, audiobooks, eReadalongs, and Read-Alouds, are sold at a one-time cost with no renewal charges.
Can I preview sample Lerner Digital products for free?
Yes, Lerner Digital offers a free 30-day trial to try samples of our products. Visit to register for a free 30-day trial.
Upon registration, you will receive login information to access your bookshelf at
How do I access Lerner Digital products?
Use any web-enabled device to access your account at Once logged in, visit your bookshelf to select which of your purchased books you wish to read.
Not seeing a login option? You may already be logged in. Simply click the “Bookshelf” link to see your books.
Lerner Digital also offers a free Lerner eBook app to access our products on devices such as iPads, Chromebooks, and Android devices. All Lerner Digital products are available on iPad® and Chromebook, and Lerner Digital eBooks are available on Android™.
To download our app on your device, please refer to the following links:
For iPad and iPhone, visit the Apple App Store.
For Chromebook, visit the Chrome Web Store.
For Android devices, visit Google Play.
Can users access Lerner Digital products with a QR Code?
Yes! Lerner Digital offers QR code stickers to allow users instant access on their mobile devices. The QR code stickers are easy to use. You can attach them to a poster, create a binder of digital titles, or apply them to the covers of your physical books. Users simply scan the QR codes with their mobile device to gain instant access. Access to your account is built in, so no login or password is required.
QR codes are free with orders of $350 and above, or for a nominal fee on smaller orders. Contact your Lerner Digital sales representative or customer service at 800-328-4929 or for further details or a demonstration.
Can users access Lerner Digital products through a public library card?
Yes! If your public library has an account with Lerner Digital, users may login with their library card number to access the Lerner Digital bookshelf at
For assistance, contact customer service at 800-328-4929 or
How many simultaneous users can access Lerner Digital™ products at the same time?
Lerner Digital products are sold with multi-user and single-user access. Under the single-user model, one (1) person may access an eBook at any given time. Under the multi-user model, the eBook can be simultaneously viewed by all students within a school building.
Are MARC records available for Lerner Digital™ products?
MARC records can be created for digital product in the same manner as print product. These MARC records contain a direct link to the purchased material with no need for login credentials. Processing specifications can be created online, or you can contact Lerner Customer Service to create your specifications profile. Be sure to indicate any special processing needed for digital materials, including any deviations from print MARC record field/subfield requirements and call tag information (if applicable).
Are there volume discounts available for district sales or public library systems?
We offer a 25% discount on all hardcovers, eBooks, Interactive Books, and Audisee eBooks with Audio purchased through our website by schools and libraries. The prices listed for all digital formats pertain to multi-user licenses. For single-use licenses, please call Customer Support at 800-328-4929. Sales tax will be added where applicable. All prices are subject to change without notice.
Please contact our Sales Manager, Brad Richason, at or 800-328-4929, ext. 364, for information on volume discounts.
I forgot my password for Lerner Digital. What should I do?
From the main page on, enter the username or email address associated with your admin or individual account and receive an email with a password reset link. Common user passwords cannot be recovered via this process.
I'm having trouble logging in to my account. What should I do?
Please contact customer service at 800-328-4929 or Please be ready to answer questions about the device and browser you are using to access your account.
How do I log in to my admin or student account?
Before logging into your admin or student account, you must first be logged into your institutional account. Log in using your institutional credentials at then click the downward facing triangle next to your institution’s name in the upper right corner of the page. From this dropdown menu, select “Admin/Student Login” then log in using your admin or student account credentials. After successfully logging into your admin or student account, you should see your name and institution in the upper right corner of the screen. If another user is logged into your institution’s bookshelf, simply click the downward facing triangle next to your institution’s name, and select “Logout” from the dropdown menu. Then select “Admin/Student Login” from th dropdown menu to log into your account.