eSource: Free Teaching Guides

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Cover: Every Body's Talking: What We Say without Words

Every Body's Talking

Are you nervous about your presentation at school tomorrow? Or about going onstage for the school play? What about trying out for the baseball team? Try standing like a superhero for a few seconds before you start. Research shows that standing like a hero makes you feel—and act—like one! View →

Cover: Experience Nature: How Time Outside Makes You Feel

Experience Personal Power

Books in the Experience Personal Power series help young readers build personal power to feel secure and confident with themselves. Each book helps kids learn to act, feel, and speak in ways that foster a life of balanced activity and self-care. Research shows that kids… View →

Cover: Fashion Rules!: A Closer Look at Clothing in the Middle Ages

Fashion Rules!

During the Middle Ages, your position in life was based on birth. This position would follow you throughout your life. To make it easy for others to know your social class, rules about what you could wear—or not wear—were created. Such rules, called sumptuary laws, determined colors of… View →

Cover: Big Snakes: And Their Food Chains

Food Chain Kings

In the animal kingdom, some animals are born to be kings! Readers will discover apex predators and the food chains they rule in this exciting series that explores top predators, their prey, and the intricate food webs they weave. Full of gripping photographs,… View →

Cover: Food for Hope: How John van Hengel Invented Food Banks for the Hungry

Food for Hope

Hunger continues to be an international problem. This true story of how one ordinary person did something extraordinary shows how everyone can do something to make a difference. Readers will feel encouraged to find their own way to make a difference. Real life… View →

Cover: Forgotten Bones: Uncovering a Slave Cemetery

Forgotten Bones

An ordinary construction project uncovers an extraordinary archaeological discovery. Imagine you’re watching a backhoe dig up the ground for a construction project when a round object rolls down a pile of dirt and stops at your feet. You pick it up,… View →

Cover: Sonia Sotomayor: First Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Gateway Biographies

Discover the human side of newsworthy, historical, and pop culture figures, and learn about people leading key social movements or handling crises. Each biography in this easy-reading series is peppered with quotations and stories, accounts of successes and failures, and descriptions of… View →

Cover: Ghost Walls: The Story of a 17th-Century Colonial Homestead

Ghost Walls

In 1638, John Lewger made a home in the wilderness of the New World, in a place called Maryland. He named his house St. John’s, and for nearly eighty years, it was the center of an ambitious English plan to build a new kind of community on American soil. Men and women lived and… View →

Cover: The Trojan Horse: The Fall of Troy [A Greek Myth]

Graphic Myths and Legends

Supreme artwork and storytelling are the hallmarks of Lerner Publishing Group’s Graphic Universe imprint. With art and text created by experienced graphic novel authors and artists―who also work for publishers such as DC and Marvel―using traditional drawings, coloring, and… View →

Cover: Upland Bird Hunting: Wild Turkey, Pheasant, Grouse, Quail, and More

Great Outdoors Sports Zone

This fun, fact-filled series takes a high-interest approach to hunting and fishing. Readers will learn what is involved in different types of outdoor sports, including preparation, techniques, gear, and what kinds of game are sought. The books also emphasize the importance of safety,… View →

Cover: Free-Range Farming

Growing Green

Organic foods, sustainable agriculture, free-range farming, eating local—what do these terms mean? And how are these concepts influencing the way people farm, shop, cook, and eat? Readers will evaluate four “green” agricultural food movements, learn how the movements started, View →

Cover: Stay Fit!: How You Can Get in Shape

Health Zone

Being a preteen isn’t easy! This reader-friendly series addresses a wide variety of health-oriented topics, from bullying and safety to skin care and stress. With fictional case studies and a magazine-style layout, these books will engage young readers with helpful information… View →

Cover: Her Eyes on the Stars: Maria Mitchell, Astronomer

Her Eyes on the Stars

Maria Mitchell’s curiosity about the night sky led her to spend hours studying the stars. She discovered a comet as a young woman, winning an award from the King of Denmark for being the first person to discover a new comet using a telescope. Now famous as “the… View →

Cover: Mujeres pilotos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (Women Pilots of World War II)

Héroes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (Heroes of World War II) (Alternator Books ® en español)

Descubre historias heroicas e inéditas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Este atractivo texto narrativo revela cómo era la vida de las personas que lucharon en la guerra o vivieron luego en el frente interno. El contenido centrado en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas destaca la… View →

Cover: D-Day Invasion

Heroes of World War II (Alternator Books ® )

Discover heroic, untold stories of World War II. Engaging narrative text reveals what life was like for people fighting in the war or living in its wake on the home front. STEM-focused sidebars highlight technology and advancements used during the war. View →

Cover: Hey, Charleston!: The True Story of the Jenkins Orphanage Band

Hey, Charleston!

What happened when a former enslaved man took beat-up old instruments and gave them to a bunch of orphans? Thousands of futures got a little brighter and a great American art form was born. In 1891, Reverend Daniel Joseph Jenkins opened his orphanage in Charleston, South… View →

Cover: The Stormy Adventure of Abbie Burgess, Lighthouse Keeper

History's Kid Heroes

History is brought to life using compelling stories in a visually contemporary way. Each History’s Kid Heroes title brings historical fiction into the graphic novel format using strong characters and exciting storylines. View →

Cover: Enrique Esparza and the Battle of the Alamo

History Speaks: Picture Books Plus Reader's Theater

Bring to life important stories from U.S. history with the History Speaks: Picture Books Plus Reader’s Theater. These books bring together illustrated picture books with reader’s theater scripts for students to practice fluency. In the back of each book, you’ll… View →

Cover: How to Be Human: Diary of an Autistic Girl

How to Be Human

With powerful words and pictures Florida Frenz chronicles her journey figuring out how to read facial expressions, how to make friends, how to juggle all the social cues that make school feel like a complicated maze. Diagnosed with autism as a two-year-old, Florida is now an articulate… View →

Cover: Media: From News Coverage to Political Advertising

Inside Elections

What’s going on behind the scenes during an election? Readers will explore the inner workings of our political system from a critical thinking perspective. Each book examines key factors that affect the outcome of an election, such as campaign funding, media coverage, the influence View →

Cover: Irving Berlin: The Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing

Irving Berlin

Irving Berlin came to the United States as a refugee from Tsarist Russia, escaping a pogrom that destroyed his village. Growing up on the streets of the lower East Side, the rhythms of jazz and blues inspired his own song-writing career. Starting with his first big hit, Alexander’s View →

Cover: Gun Violence and the Fight for Public Safety

Issues in Action (Read Woke ™ Books)

Investigate hard topics facing our society—from gun violence to immigration. Learn how problems developed and hear from underrepresented persons involved in these struggles. Reflection questions help readers challenge their perspectives, while an activism toolkit and a Read Woke reading… View →

Cover: Does an Apple a Day Keep the Doctor Away?: And Other Questions about Your Health and Body

Is That a Fact?

There is life on other planets. People have tiny insects living in their eyelashes. You may have heard these common sayings before. But are they really true? Can they be proven through research? The Is That a Fact? series investigates and finds out which statements are true, which ones… View →

Cover: Being Homeless: Stories from Survivors

It Happened to Me

Sometimes, painful experiences happen. It Happened to Me explores painful life crises that affect many young people through poignant diary entries from composite teens who have experienced these situations, supported by informational text. Every… View →