The Mexican Dreidel

  • Interest Level: Preschool - Grade 2
  • Reading Level: Grade 2

Danielito loves Janucá, especially playing dreidel. This year, he is old enough to visit Bobe by himself. Piñatas hang from the trees, and the kids in Bobe’s neighborhood play with Mexican tops called trompos. Danielito does not have a trompo, but he has a dreidel. “What is that?” “¿Qué es eso?” the other kids ask, as they invite him to join their game. The trompos follow the dreidel as it spins through the neighborhood. And Danielito invites his new friends, nuevos amigos, to Bobe’s house to celebrate Janucá.

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Interest Level Preschool - Grade 2
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Picture Books
Category Diverse Books: Celebrating Differences , Diversity, Holidays
Copyright 2023
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Kar-Ben Publishing ®
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Publication Date 2023-10-03
Text Type Fiction
BISACS JUV017110, JUV030100, JUV040000
Dewey [E]
Dimensions 10.625 x 8.875
Features Author/Illustrator note, Original artwork, and Reviewed

Author: Linda Elovitz Marshall

Award-winning author of almost 30 picture books, Linda Elovitz Marshall studied cultural anthropology, taught early childhood education, raised four children and a small flock of sheep, pursued a Ph.D. in anthropology, and owned and operated an indie bookstore prior to writing for children. Her Jewish-themed books include Talia and the Rude Vegetables, Talia and the Very YUM Kippur, Talia and the Haman-Tushies, The Mexican Dreidel (with Ilan Stavans), THE POLIO PIONEER: Dr. Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine, GOOD NIGHT, WIND, and BRAVE VOLODYMYR: The Story of Volodymyr Zelensky and the Fight for Ukraine. Her work has been translated into almost a dozen languages and has been adapted for dance, theater, and radio. She lives in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State and in New York City.

Author: Ilan Stavans

Ilan Stavans is an internationally renown, award-winning writer, translator, and teacher born in Mexico. His work, adapted to the screen, TV, radio, and theater, has been published in more than twenty languages.

Illustrator: Maria Mola

Maria Mola is a Barcelona-born illustrator living in Boston with her husband and three children. She creates whimsical art for books like Sparkle Boy, Maya Papaya, and Koala Challah, exploring the inner worlds of kids and everyday moments. When not illustrating, Maria enjoys crafting, reading, and cooking—often all at once. Visit her work at


Publishers Weekly

“Mola’s chalky, bright-hued images, which portray characters with brown skin, evoke a sunny, cozy town and the fun of sharing with ‘nuevos amigos.’”—Publishers Weekly

School Library Journal

“This Mexican Janucá (Hanukkah) book, imbued with magical realism, tells a sweet story while introducing Mexican Jewish and non-Jewish holiday traditions, as well as Spanish words. An excellent choice for libraries wanting to expand their Hanukkah collections.”―School Library Journal

Kirkus Reviews

“A heartwarming story celebrating friendship across cultural lines.”―Kirkus Reviews

The Horn Book Magazine

“A relatable story about wanting to fit in and embracing individuality.”—The Horn Book

Jewish Book Council

“Col­or­ful pic­tures with Mex­i­can influ­ences com­plete this edu­ca­tion­al and charm­ing sto­ry.”―Jewish Book Council

Jewish Journal

“In this charmer of a story, kids meet Danielito, a Jewish-Mexican boy who loves celebrating Janucá. Young kids will be enchanted when Danielito’s dreidel takes a magical spin. Maria Mola’s colorful, lively illustrations embellish the upbeat Hanukkah tale.”—Jewish Journal