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Cover: Perfect Match: The Story of Althea Gibson and Angela Buxton

Perfect Match: The Story of Althea Gibson and Angela Buxton

“Dubbin’s well-cho­sen details, com­bined with Aman­da Quartey’s expres­sive illus­tra­tions, make Per­fect Match an upbeat sto­ry of inter­ra­cial friend­ship and triumph.” – Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: The Apple Argument

The Apple Argument

“This high­ly rec­om­mend­ed book is light­ly moral and deeply spir­i­tu­al.” – Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Rebecca's Prayer for President Lincoln

Rebecca's Prayer for President Lincoln

“A beau­ti­ful descrip­tion of true events seen through a Jew­ish lens, this book is a valu­able addi­tion to class­rooms, libraries, and house­holds alike.” - Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: The Promise

The Promise

“Based on a true sto­ry, The Promise is a dif­fi­cult book to close…Leaves us hop­ing that we, too, can cul­ti­vate beau­ti­ful lives and peace­ful days.”―Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Stars of the Night: The Courageous Children of the Czech Kindertransport

Stars of the Night: The Courageous Children of the Czech Kindertransport

“Balancing tragedy and hope, this story preserves the memory of Jewish children who found new lives despite and because of their irrevocable losses.”—Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Dream by Dream: The Story of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise

Dream by Dream: The Story of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise

“This cap­ti­vat­ing tale will inspire young peo­ple to pur­sue their dreams, what­ev­er they may be.”―Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Not So Shy

Not So Shy

“Noa Nimrodi explores both uni­ver­sal themes of alien­ation and the spe­cif­ic chal­lenges that Israelis might con­front when accli­mat­ing to a new cul­ture…Read­ers will empathize with Shai’s dis­tress.”―Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Professor Buber and His Cats

Professor Buber and His Cats

“A fan­ci­ful weav­ing of facts and dream-like thoughts, this gen­tle, enchant­i­ng book enhances real­i­ty as it intro­duces young read­ers to a his­tor­i­cal fig­ure they may nev­er have encountered.”―Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: The Stars Will Be My Nightlight: A Sukkot Story

The Stars Will Be My Nightlight: A Sukkot Story

“This pic­ture book is the per­fect bed­time sto­ry, invit­ing par­ents to cud­dle up with their lit­tle ones and cher­ish spe­cial time and tra­di­tions together.”—Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: The Prince of Steel Pier

The Prince of Steel Pier

“Filled with mys­tery, may­hem, and mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships, this fast-paced his­tor­i­cal nov­el will cap­ture any reader’s attention.”―Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Mrs. Noah's Doves

Mrs. Noah's Doves

An excep­tion­al work which invites young read­ers to iden­ti­fy with the unique mis­sion of both Noah and his wife. View →

Cover: Sammy Spider's First ABC

Sammy Spider's First ABC

Adorable Sam­my Spi­der is back. View →

Cover: José and the Pirate Captain Toledano

José and the Pirate Captain Toledano

“Swash­buck­ling heroes and anti­heroes, Jews, Chris­tians, and Indi­ans, all per­son­i­fy the costs of liv­ing in two worlds and strug­gling to remain free.”―Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Bedtime for Maziks

Bedtime for Maziks

From start to fin­ish, young read­ers and their care­givers will enjoy accom­pa­ny­ing these play­ing, snack-eat­ing, alef-bet learn­ing, and sh’ma-reciting kids through­out their busy day…The seam­less tran­si­tion from a wild pil­low fight to the dark peace of moon and stars will View →

Cover: Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference

Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference

Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference (by Bonnie Lindauer with illustrations by Sofia Moore) follows the founder of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW). Hannah Solomon, born in Chicago in 1858, lived through a number of historical events that are… View →

Cover: The Christmas Mitzvah

The Christmas Mitzvah

“The Christmas Mitvzah will leave the reader with a warm, gratifying feeling and a desire to find people in need of help who they can assist in ways large and small.”—Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: A Queen to the Rescue: The Story of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah

A Queen to the Rescue: The Story of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah

“Churnin’s com­pre­hen­sive and inspir­ing text, paired with Nayberg’s rich mul­ti-lay­ered, expres­sive, and art­ful mixed-media illus­tra­tions, bring to life this remark­able woman who was long over­due for a pic­ture book biog­ra­phy.” — Rachel Kamin, Jewish Book… View →

Cover: Sydney A. Frankel's Summer Mix-Up

Sydney A. Frankel's Summer Mix-Up

“This amus­ing romp with its twisty plot and its sparkling writ­ing teach­es these lessons with a light touch and a large help­ing of humor. The easy-to-read chap­ter book for­mat is invit­ing. Read­ers will be both enter­tained and enlightened.” — Michal Hoschander… View →

Cover: Klezmer!


“Intro­duc­ing chil­dren to joy­ful parts of the Jew­ish past is always enrich­ing. When the past con­tin­ues into the present, this exchange is even bet­ter. From accor­dion to bass, from uptown to down­town, the sounds and sto­ries of klezmer come alive in this book.” —… View →

Cover: The Backyard Secrets of Danny Wexler

The Backyard Secrets of Danny Wexler

“Read­ers will be enter­tained but will also come away with food for thought and mate­r­i­al for seri­ous dis­cus­sion with class­mates, teach­ers, and par­ents as they read about an imag­i­na­tive boy and the world in which he, and all of us, live.” — Michal Hoschander… View →

Cover: 37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939

37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939

37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939 is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed and includes an author’s note with his­tor­i­cal back­ground and a use­ful time­line of events." — Emily Schneider, Jewish Book Council View →

Cover: Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference

Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference

“Bonnie Lindauer tells Hannah’s story in an engaging way. Her descriptions, along with Sofia Moore’s beautiful, muted-color illustrations bring the era alive. The illustrations are integral to the story and are particularly effective in scenes of diverse women banding together in… View →

Cover: Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference

Hannah G. Solomon Dared to Make a Difference

‘Like her friends Jane Addams and Susan B. Anthony, Solomon didn’t let the rigid social mores for women in the early 1900s keep her from advocating for immigrants, the poor, and women. This accessible picture-book biography introduces a lesser-known social reformer who… View →

Cover: The Singer and the Scientist

The Singer and the Scientist

“This high­ly rec­om­mend­ed sto­ry includes an infor­ma­tive author’s note about the social activism of the book’s subjects.” — Emily Schneider, Jewish Book Council View →