Shoham's Bangle

  • Interest Level: Kindergarten - Grade 3
  • Reading Level: Grade 2

A Sydney Taylor Notable Book

Winner of the Crystal Kite Award

Tablet Magazine’s Best Jewish Kids Books of the Year

Shoham’s bangle jingles and jangles, clinks and clacks.

Shoham wears a golden bangle on her wrist, just like her Nana Aziza. Their bangles jingle when they cook, and glitter in the sun. When Shoham and her family must leave Iraq, they are allowed to take only one suitcase each. They may take no jewelry. Shoham has the important job of carrying Nana’s homemade pita bread, which Nana says they will eat when they get to Israel. But when they finally arrive and it is time to eat, Shoham bites into something hard inside the pita bread.

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Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Picture Books, Social Studies
Category Diverse Books: Immigration & Refugees, Diverse Books: #OwnVoices, Diverse Books: Race & Ethnicity, Diversity, SEL: B Self-Management, SEL: C Social Awareness, SEL: E Responsible Decision-Making, Social Emotional Learning
Copyright 2022
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Kar-Ben Publishing ®
Language English
Number of Pages 32
Publication Date 2022-11-01
Text Type Fiction—Historical
BISACS JUV039250, JUV039120, JUV016210
Dewey [E]
Dimensions 9.25 x 11
Lexile 570
Features Awards, Original artwork, Reviewed, Teaching Guides, and eSource


  • Winner of the Crystal Kite Award, Winner, 2022
  • Tablet Magazine's Best Jewish Children's Books of 2022, Winner, 2022
  • Notable Award Sydney Taylor Notable Book, Winner, 2022


Sydney Taylor Shmooze

“A lovely introduction to Iraqi Jewry and its own exodus.” —Sydney Taylor Shmooze

Kirkus Reviews

“A moving and authentic story of love, family, and home.” —Kirkus Reviews

Hadassah Magazine

“The beautifully told story, with colorful illustrations from Israeli artist Noa Kelner, depicts important aspects of the Middle Eastern Jewish experience.”―Hadassah Magazine

Jewish Book Council

“Shoham’s Ban­gle presents a slice of Jew­ish and Israeli his­to­ry, but it is also filled with fam­i­ly feel­ing, nos­tal­gia, and hope.”—Jewish Book Council