Mike Byrne

Mike Byrne grew up near Liverpool, U.K., and then moved to London to work as an illustrator by day and a crayon wielding crime fighter by night. He now lives with his wife and two cats in the countryside. He spends his days doodling and creating children’s books fueled only by tea and cookies.
What was your favorite book when you were a child?
Anything by Roald Dahl, but especially The Twits
What’s your favorite line from a book?
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ―A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Who are your top three favorite authors or illustrators?
Ronald Searle, Hergé, and of course the master… Quentin Blake
Why did you want to become an author or illustrator?
I’ve ALWAYS wanted to be a children’s book illustrator. Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to draw the pictures that I saw in all the fab books in the library and at home. So much so that when I grew up, I went to University to study a degree in Illustration for Children’s Publishing.
Do you have any advice for future authors or illustrators?
Do it! It really is the best job in the world. I get to spend my day indulging in my hobby, drawing fun characters, and getting paid to do it!