Monstruo tranquilo, monstruo amable (Calm Monsters, Kind Monsters)

Guía de Sesame Street ® para la conciencia plena (A Sesame Street ® Guide to Mindfulness)

  • Interest Level: Preschool - Grade 2
  • Reading Level: Kindergarten

La conciencia plena incluye respirar, tener un diálogo interno positivo, calmarse y más. Los personajes de Sesame Street presentan grandes emociones que es probable que los lectores hayan experimentado junto con soluciones simples como la respiración abdominal para ayudar a los niños a manejar lo que están sintiendo.

Breathing, positive self talk, and calming down—mindfulness includes all this and more. Sesame Street characters present big emotions readers have likely faced alongside simple solutions like belly breathing to help kids cope with what they’re feeling.

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Interest Level Preschool - Grade 2
Reading Level Kindergarten
Genre Social Studies
Category 5 Kinds of Nonfiction, 5KN: Active Nonfiction, SEL: A Self-Awareness, SEL: B Self-Management, SEL: E Responsible Decision-Making, Social Emotional Learning
Copyright 2024
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand Sesame Street ® en español
Imprint ediciones Lerner
Language Spanish
Number of Pages 32
Publication Date 2024-01-01
Text Type Informational/Explanatory
BISACS JNF053050, JNF024130, JNF053160
Dewey 152.4
Dimensions 9.75 x 9.75
Features Glossary, Index, Note to adults, Step-by-step instructions, and Table of contents