Starred Review Hidden Creature Features

  • Interest Level: Kindergarten - Grade 3
  • Reading Level: Grade 2

Some animal features are easy to see—long tails, large wings, patterned fur, or sharp beaks. But look closer—you might be surprised by what you find!

A penguin’s sharp beak hides a textured tongue that helps it grip fish. A red-eyed tree frog has a golden eyelid that covers its eyes so it can see predators while it sleeps. A platypus fends off predators with a venomous spur. Rhyming text and eye-catching photos offer an up-close look at lots of fascinating hidden creature features!

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Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Science
Category 5 Kinds of Nonfiction, 5KN: Expository Literature, Animals
Copyright 2023
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Millbrook Press ™
Language English
Number of Pages 32
Publication Date 2023-03-07
Text Type Poetry
BISACS JNF003000, JNF051150, JNF042000
Dewey 590
Dimensions 9.75 x 9.75
Guided Reading Level N
Features Awards, Bibliography/further reading, Glossary, Reviewed, Sidebars, and Starred Reviews


  • Dogwood Readers Award Finalist, Short-listed, 2024
  • Mockingbird Reading Program Nominee, Nominated, 2024


The Horn Book Magazine

“Page layouts are designed to first hint at the featured adaptation. When the page is turned, an intriguing body part is revealed, accompanied by an accessible explanation of how that part is used by the animal to eat, maneuver, defend, or attack.”—The Horn Book Magazine

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

“Young readers will love the question-and-answer format of the book as they turn pages and reveal surprising features . . .This book would interest young animal lovers, and it would be a helpful tool in teaching new and lesser-known facts about the world’s animals. Reviewer Rating: 4” —Children’s Literature


“[G]ood choice for primary science units emphasizing diversity in the animal world.”—Booklist

Starred Review Kirkus Reviews

“High marks for presentation and showy cast alike.”—starred, Kirkus Reviews