Pirate Passover

  • Interest Level: Preschool - Grade 2
  • Reading Level: Grade 2

A crew of pirates is getting their ship ready for Passover. They shine the rails, get rid of the chametz, and Captain Drew prepares the seder plate. Suddenly, waves start roaring and lightning flashes in the sky. As the ship start to rock in the storm, matzah balls roll into the ocean and sink. Washed ashore, the captain leads the crew to a house where the door is propped open wide. The pirates, and their pet, Bernie the parrot, are invited in to enjoy the seder and hear the Passover story

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Interest Level Preschool - Grade 2
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Picture Books
Copyright 2023
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Kar-Ben Publishing ®
Language English
Number of Pages 24
Publication Date 2023-02-07
Text Type Fiction—Humor
BISACS JUV017120, JUV001020, JUV057000
Dewey [E]
Dimensions 9.75 x 9.75
Features Original artwork and Reviewed


Kirkus Reviews

“An enjoyable treat for the holiday. Don’t pass this one over.”―Kirkus Reviews

Publishers Weekly

“Press’s premise is whimsical, while round-headed, bright-eyed characters from Gulliver appear thoroughly earnest, impressing upon readers how observance and tradition persist no matter the circumstances.”―Publishers Weekly

Sydney Taylor Shmooze

“A pirate crew scrubbing and polishing their ship to get ready for Passover; the pirate captain preparing a seder plate; matzoh balls rolling off the plank into the ocean! What fun this clever Passover story is…It would be a great pre-seder read to share with the little ones who will be sitting at the holiday table.”―Sydney Taylor Shmooze

Good Reads with Ronna

“I adore a jolly good pirate tale and this one’s got rollicking rhyme as well, making for a rewarding Passover read-aloud.”―Good Reads with Ronna


“A fresh take on children’s books about this Jewish holiday.”―BayViews