
  • Interest Level: Grade 7 - Grade 12
  • Reading Level: Grade 7

A young girl thirsts for love and freedom, but at what cost?

Ruby dreams of escaping the Congregation. Escape from slaver Darwin West and his cruel Overseers. Escape from the backbreaking work of gathering water. Escape from living as if it is still 1812, the year they were all enslaved.

When Ruby meets Ford—an irresistible, kind, forbidden new Overseer—she longs to run away with him to the modern world where she could live a normal teenage life. Escape with Ford would be so simple.

But if Ruby leaves, her community is condemned to certain death. She, alone, possesses the secret ingredient that makes the water so special—her blood—and it’s the one thing that the Congregation cannot live without.

Drought is the haunting story of one community’s thirst for life, and the dangerous struggle of the only girl who can grant it.

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Interest Level Grade 7 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 7
Genre Young Adult
Copyright 2011
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Carolrhoda Lab ®
Language English
Number of Pages 400
Publication Date 2011-01-01
Reading Counts! Level 4.3
Reading Counts! Points 22.0
Text Type Fiction—Science Fiction/Fantasy
BISACS YAF056000, YAF024000, YAF015000
Dewey [Fic]
Dimensions 5.5 x 8.25
Lexile 570
ATOS Reading Level 3.7
Accelerated Reader® Quiz 142325
Accelerated Reader® Points 13.0
Features Author/Illustrator biography