
From the Series Dino-Sports

  • Interest Level: Kindergarten - Grade 3
  • Reading Level: Grade 2

When the plant-eating Green Sox face the meat-eating Rib-Eye Reds, baseball will never be the same.

Tied zip to zip, the game is a pitchers’ duel until the Green Sox’s hothead manager goes snout to snout with the dodo umpire and gets tossed out. The Sox respond with their veggie-powered bats and score three runs! Momentum swings back to the Reds before the seventh inning stretch, and they’re all tied up in the bottom of the ninth. Will this game need extra innings, or will Apatosaur save the day?

Dinosaurs face off in prehistoric sports competitions—from baseball to wrestling and every sport in between! Will the plant-eaters become the champions? Or will the meat-eaters be victorious? Fast-paced, rhyming commentary and exuberant illustrations put readers right in the action. Sure to thrill dinosaur lovers and sports fans alike!

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Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Picture Books
Copyright 2010
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Carolrhoda Books ®
Language English
Number of Pages 32
Publication Date 2010-01-01
Reading Counts! Level 1.3
Text Type Fiction—Humor
BISACS JUV002060, JUV032010, JUV057000
Dewey [E]
Graphics Full-color illustrations
Dimensions 10.625 x 8.875
Lexile 470
Guided Reading Level K
ATOS Reading Level 2.1
Accelerated Reader® Quiz 134923
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Features Author/Illustrator biography, Awards, Original artwork, and Reviewed

Author: Lisa Wheeler

Lisa Wheeler is the award-winning author of the Dino-Sports and Dino-Holidays books. When she isn’t running around the country visiting schools, standing at podiums, and eating airport snacks, she resides in Michigan.

Illustrator: Barry Gott

Barry Gott lives in Ohio and has illustrated many children’s books, including all of the Dino-Sports and Dino-Holidays books.

A Rawr-Some Valentine’s Day

by Megan Ciskowski, Associate Publicist The winter holidays have come to a close, but that doesn’t mean more aren’t on the way. Lerner has come prepared to give young readers a dino-mite Valentine’s Day with the newest title of the Dino-Holidays series. Read on to find out what our… View →


  • Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Awards Master List, Long-listed, 2011


Publishers Weekly

“Wheeler and Gott already proved they have a winning formula with Dino-Hockey (2007) and Dino-Soccer (2009), and there’s plenty for dinosaur/sports fanatics to enjoy in this latest installment . . . Gott nails the drama of high-stakes game with a series of skewed perspectives and never overplays the comedy—his dinosaurs, with their imposing heft and improbably balletic grace, are more than capable of conveying the sublime absurdity of it all.”
Publishers Weekly

School Library Journal

“Wheeler includes on-the-field plays as well as typical baseball-crowd fun like a manager’s tantrum, a seventh-inning stretch, and a visit to the snack bar. Gott’s illustrations are masterful at catching the leaping, running action of the battling behemoths and giving each spread a stop-action, ‘you are there’ feel. . . Libraries looking to satisfy dinosaur lovers as well as sports enthusiasts will find this title an easy sell.”
School Library Journal


“[T]he play-by-play action in the acrylic paintings and the rhyming text (“Green Sox need to change the score. / Their only hope? Apatosaur!”) will captivate young baseball fans, while the humor in each incongruous scene will widen the book’s audience to sports-ambivalent kids.”