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Cover: The Rabbi and the Reverend: Joachim Prinz, Martin Luther King Jr., and Their Fight against Silence

The Rabbi and the Reverend: Joachim Prinz, Martin Luther King Jr., and Their Fight against Silence

This emo­tion­al pic­ture book cap­tures two dif­fer­ent men who share the same plea: do not be silent about injus­tice! They are from dif­fer­ent coun­tries, with dif­fer­ing back­grounds, and have faced dif­fer­ent dan­gers that have turned the scars they bear into activist out­reach… View →

Cover: Frank, Who Liked to Build: The Architecture of Frank Gehry

Frank, Who Liked to Build: The Architecture of Frank Gehry

This biog­ra­phy of a famous Cana­di­an-Amer­i­can archi­tect is pre­sent­ed through freeform illus­tra­tions that grab your atten­tion the way his build­ings do. Ener­gy jumps off each page, with the book’s com­bi­na­tion of evoca­tive words and emblem­at­ic works. Author… View →

Cover: Raquela's Seder

Raquela's Seder

Com­fort­ing, warm, deeply toned illus­tra­tions and sim­ple, qui­et sto­ry­telling por­tray a moment in the life of Raque­la, a young girl who is an only child and… View →

Cover: My Name Is Hamburger

My Name Is Hamburger

The title of Jacque­line Jules’s high­ly rec­om­mend­ed new nov­el-in-verse reflects the ironies of grow­ing up Jew­ish in a small south­ern town in the mid – twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry. Trudie Ham­burg­er has lov­ing par­ents and close friends. Her father’s Ger­man accent and her family’s… View →