Editorial Review


Cover: Coding in the Real World

With bright, colorful illustrations and a pleasantly jumbled layout, these titles in the Kids get Coding series introduce key computer programming concepts to early elementary-schoolers. Each volume uses approachable, everyday examples and a friendly tone to both explain why coding is important and invite readers to try a few simple activities in the text or a linked website, which includes both Scratch exercises and worksheets. Coding in the Real World explains computer basics, such as input, output, sensors, and highlights some of the unexpected places coding is important, such as street lights and grocery stores. The lessons get more specific in Coding to Create and Communicate, which covers social media, internet literacy, and the fundamentals of email, video calls, and metadata, among other things. A warning against sharing too much personal information online is particularly helpful. Programming Awesome Apps walks readers through the process of developing a simple app, and a linked Scratch module allows readers to see how the app works firsthand. Centered around designing an adventure game, Programming Games and Animation addresses how to code character movements, game play, and score keeping. The simple, straightforward text is nicely pitched to a younger audience, and the cheerful illustrations and hands-on components give this useful, high-interest topic added appeal.

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Coding in the Real World
Coding to Create and Communicate
Programming Awesome Apps
Programming Games and Animation
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