Carrie Jones

Carrie Jones is the New York Times bestselling author of the NEED series and spends her time in Maine where she lives with her family, which includes a kitten named Sparta, an obese cat, and two very silly and very large white dogs. She has won numerous awards for her writing and photographs, but she would prefer to win cowboy hats.
What was your favorite book when you were a child?
A Wrinkle in Time
What’s your favorite line from a book?
The End.
Who are your top three favorite authors or illustrators?
I can’t answer this! It makes me feel too guilty, like I’m playing favorites amongst my friends.
Why did you want to become an author or illustrator?
Because it was much more fun than being a newspaper editor. Plus, my daughter makes me tell her stories every time we were in the car and every time I tuck her in at night. It’s much easier to write them down than to make them up orally.
Do you have any advice for future authors or illustrators?
It’s just like playing a guitar or a tuba. The more you do it, the better you become at it.