Wendy Hinote Lanier

Wendy Lanier is an author, teacher, and speaker who lives in Beaumont, Texas. She has written books for Lerner Books, Capstone Press, Lucent Books, and KidHaven Press. She also regularly contributes work to various magazines and websites. Wendy has a B.S. in Speech Communication Disorders and a M.Ed. in Elementary Education. She has taught grades 3, 4, 6, and 7 specializing in the areas of science, social studies, and language arts. She began writing full time in 2008 after teaching for nearly twenty years.
What was your favorite book when you were a child?
Little Women and The Happy Hollisters series were favorites. I also loved Dennis the Menace comic books. I still have my collection.
Who are your top three favorite authors or illustrators?
Doreen Cronin, Cynthia Rylant (especially Mr. Putter & Tabby), Karma Wilson, and I love the Mercy Watson series by Kate DiCamillo
Why did you want to become an author or illustrator?
I’ve been in love with books and reading since I was a kid. In my house we didn’t play games or do a lot of outdoor stuff. We read; all of us. I always envisioned myself writing a book like the ones on the shelves in the book store. Even when I was teaching and never had time to write, I always wanted to write the kind of books that taught you something in a fun way.
Do you have any advice for future authors or illustrators?
Write what you like whether you think it will sell or not. Keep at it, and your time will come. Just don’t give up.