La verdadera ciencia del control mental (The Real Science of Mind Control)

From the Series La verdadera ciencia de los superpoderes (The Real Science of Superpowers) (Alternator Books ® en español)

  • Interest Level: Grade 3 - Grade 6
  • Reading Level: Grade 4

Los héroes de ficción con el poder de controlar la mente pueden detener a los delincuentes con solo pensarlo. ¿De qué manera podrían beneficiarse las personas con este poder en la vida real? Aprende sobre la ciencia detrás del superpoder y observa qué están haciendo los científicos para convertirlo en una realidad.

Fictional heroes with the power of mind control can stop criminals with just a thought. How could people benefit from this power in real life? Learn the science behind the superpower and see what scientists are doing to make it a reality. Now in Spanish!

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Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 4
Genre Science
Category 5 Kinds of Nonfiction, 5KN: Traditional Nonfiction, STEM, STEM: Engineering, STEM: Physical Science
Copyright 2024
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand Alternator Books ® en español
Imprint ediciones Lerner
Language Spanish
Number of Pages 32
Publication Date 2023-08-01
Text Type Informational/Explanatory
BISACS JNF044000, JNF051090, JNF008000
Dewey 158.2
Dimensions 7 x 9
Features Activities, Bibliography/further reading, Glossary, Index, Photo captions, Sidebars, and Table of contents