Girls Against Girls
Why We Are Mean to Each Other and How We Can Change
Girls Against Girls is a must-read for today’s strong, smart, and capable generation of young women. Now, more than ever, young women need to stand together and not tear each other down, and this book provides guidance on how to break the cycle. This informative read includes real scientific theories about why girls are cruel to each other, girls’ war tactics, steps to take when things get out of hand, and positive advice for girls on how to unite and become more empowered. There’s also advice from female artists and athletes, inspiring movie quotes, and an excellent resource section of empowering organizations to discover.
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Author: Bonnie Burton
Bonnie Burton is a regular contributor to Bust, Geek Monthly, Star Wars Insider, and Wired magazines, and contributed to the comic anthology The Girls’ Guide to Guys’ Stuff.
School Library Journal
“With an attractive package, Burton’s volume is full of good practical advice about teen relationships that will keep girls (and even boys) interested.”—School Library Journal