Stickmen's Guide to Your Beating Heart

From the Series Stickmen's Guides to Your Awesome Body

  • Interest Level: Grade 3 - Grade 6
  • Reading Level: Grade 4

Ba-boom, ba-boom, ba-boom . . . your incredible heart beats more than once every second, no matter what you’re doing. And your lungs pull in up to 145 gallons of oxygen each day. So how are your heart and lungs connected, and what do they do? Join the Stickmen as they explore your body to find out how your heart pumps blood, how oxygen travels through your body, and how your body fights off germs. You’ll discover why you need two trillion red blood cells, how exercise affects the body, and what exactly is inside your lungs. Colorful diagrams and fascinating text show how your circulatory system works to keep you fit, warm, and alive!

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Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 4
Genre Science
Category 5 Kinds of Nonfiction, 5KN: Browseable Nonfiction, 5KN: Traditional Nonfiction
Copyright 2018
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand Hungry Tomato ®
Imprint Hungry Tomato ®
Language English
Number of Pages 32
Publication Date 2017-08-01
Reading Counts! Level 8.6
Text Type Informational/Explanatory
BISACS JNF051050, JNF051030
Dewey 612.1/7
Graphics Full-color illustrations
Dimensions 7 x 9
Lexile 1010
Guided Reading Level Y
Features Author/Illustrator biography, Charts/Graphs/Diagrams, Index, and Timeline