Flabby Cat and Slobby Dog
Flabby Cat and Slobby Dog are very lazy. They sit on the couch watching TV for days and days and days. They eat and eat and eat. They sleep and sleep and sleep. And when they wake up, they are surprised to find that the sofa shrunk! Their whole house seems to be shrinking! Or so they like to think. They set off to ask their relatives for help. Will they find the answers to their mystery? Or discover their problem was more about growing than shrinking?
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Author: Jeanne Willis
Jeanne Willis lives in London. After a successful career in advertising, she has written many award-winning picture books. Jeanne regularly takes events to schools.
Illustrator: Tony Ross
Tony Ross has been illustrating books for over 40 years, and has been published all over the world. He has been named the best-selling illustrator in the UK three years in a row. He lives in Macclesfield, England.