Why the Crab Has No Head
Nzambi Mpungu, creator of the earth and sky, has spent a long hard day making the Elephant. By nightfall, Nzambi still hasn’t finished her next creation, the Crab, and she tells the little creature to return the following day for a fine head. That night, the proud Crab boasts about the promised head to all the other animals and ends up learning a hard lesson. This tale from the Bakongo people of Zaire, retold and illustrated by Barbara Knutson, will delight readers of all ages.
Format | Your Price | Add |
$22.99 |
Interest Level | Kindergarten - Grade 3 |
Reading Level | Grade 2 |
Genre | Picture Books |
Publisher | Lerner Publishing Group |
Imprint | Carolrhoda Books ® |
Language | English |
Publication Date | 2009-08-01 |
Reading Counts! Level | 3.7 |
Author: Barbara Knutson
Barbara Knutson was the award-winning author and illustrator of many children’s books, including How the Guinea Fowl Got Her Spots and Love and Roast Chicken. A resident of St. Paul and a cherished member of Twin Cities literary community, Ms. Knutson grew up in South Africa and traveled extensively throughout the world. She drew on her firsthand experiences abroad to create the rich, multicultural stories and folktales for which she became so well known. She passed away in 2005.