Show Your Character

Using a question-and-answer format and real-world scenarios, Show Your Character takes a concrete approach to explaining such things as how to deal with bullying, how to show others you care, and how to react responsibly to a variety of different social situations. Readers will have fun learning about character values and will emerge with useful “takeaway points” they can apply to their own lives.

Cover: How Can I Help?: A Book about Caring
Cover: Does My Voice Count?: A Book about Citizenship
Cover: Am I a Good Friend?: A Book about Trustworthiness
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Am I a Good Friend?: A Book about Trustworthiness
Can People Count on Me?: A Book about Responsibility
Does My Voice Count?: A Book about Citizenship
How Can I Deal with Bullying?: A Book about Respect
How Can I Help?: A Book about Caring
When Is It My Turn?: A Book about Fairness
  • Available in limited formats
  • Soon! Spring 2025
  • New! Fall 2024
  • New! Spring 2024
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Show Your Character — Audisee®—On Level Set
Audisee®—On Level $209.93, 6 titles
  • Available in limited formats
  • Soon! Spring 2025
  • New! Fall 2024
  • New! Spring 2024

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Show Your Character

Using a question-and-answer format and real-world scenarios, Show Your Character takes a concrete approach to explaining such things as how to deal with bullying, how to show others you care, and how to react responsibly to a variety of different social situations.… View →