Grade 4
4615 records found. Displaying 265 - 288.
Anyone for Tennis?
From the Series Red Rocket Readers Advanced Fluency Level 1
Tennis is a very old game that used to be played mainly on lawns. It was not a fast game, and the clothes people wore made it hard to move quickly around the court. Nowadays tennis is a very… Read More →
A Perfect View: Book 3
From the Series Cici: A Fairy's Tale
Cici is ready for all her favorite camping activities! She has everything planned for the trip with her dad, her sister, and her friend Kendra. But with Cici's new fairy powers, nature has… Read More →
A Pharaoh's Guide
From the Series How-To Guides for Fiendish Rulers
I am the mighty pharaoh of Egypt. I control the River Nile, plan great cities, and make sure I am the richest person in all of Egypt—with the most exotic food and expensive clothes. After… Read More →
A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin
From the Series Live Oak Media eReadalong
"This read-along shows how Ben Franklin, one of 17 children in a poor family in Colonial Massachusetts, became one of our greatest statesmen and inventors. This straightforward biography is… Read More →
A Picture Book of Frederick Douglass
From the Series Live Oak Media eReadalong
"Adler, a prolific children's book author, has done a good job describing the trajectory of Douglass's life as he moved from being a slave himself to being a freer of slaves and a tireless… Read More →
A Picture Book of George Washington Carver
From the Series Live Oak Media eReadalong
With an emphasis on his early life and the hardships he overcame, this informative biography offers a clear, authentic introduction to one of the country's most important scientists. Read More →
A Picture Book of Harriet Tubman
From the Series Live Oak Media eReadalong
"Gail Nelson is an unobtrusive narrator who lets Harriet Tubman's deeds and personality speak for themselves. And speak they do!" - AudioFile Read More →
A Place for Elijah
As Sarah's family prepares for Passover, Sarah makes sure to save a chair at the table for the prophet Elijah who is said to visit every seder. But when the electricity goes out in the… Read More →
A Pocketful of Goobers: A Story about George Washington Carver
From the Series Creative Minds Biographies
There wasn't anything that George Washington Carver couldn't grow. He took the common goober--today's peanut--and created hundreds of useful products from it, turning goobers into a very… Read More →
Appaloosas Are My Favorite!
From the Series My Favorite Horses
Do you like horses? Then you'll love learning all about the Appaloosa. Many Appaloosas have colorful, spotted coats—and these horses are useful as well as beautiful. Did you know that… Read More →
From the Series Live Oak Media eReadalong
"Curious about apples?... Bonnie Kelley Young reads the text slowly so that listeners can absorb all the facts and instructions and peruse the bright illustrations... A good choice for… Read More →
Apples and Pomegranates: A Rosh Hashanah Seder
On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, it is traditional to dip apples and honey in hopes of a sweet New Year. Jews around the world share other foods as well - such as pomegranates,… Read More →
Aprender sobre el carbón, el petróleo y el gas natural (Finding Out about Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas)
From the Series Searchlight Books ™ en español — ¿Qué son las fuentes de energía? (What Are Energy Sources?)
¿Sabías que la mayoría de la energía que usamos proviene de carbón, el petróleo y el gas natural? ¿Cómo recolectan los trabajadores estos combustibles fósiles? ¿Y qué efectos tienen estos… Read More →
Aprender sobre la energía eólica (Finding Out about Wind Energy)
From the Series Searchlight Books ™ en español — ¿Qué son las fuentes de energía? (What Are Energy Sources?)
¿Sabías que el mismo viento que te revuelve el cabello puede usarse para generar energía? Pero, ¿cómo exactamente se aprovecha el viento? ¿Y cuál es el efecto sobre el medioambiente? Lee este Read More →
Aprender sobre la energía geotérmica (Finding Out about Geothermal Energy)
From the Series Searchlight Books ™ en español — ¿Qué son las fuentes de energía? (What Are Energy Sources?)
¿Sabías que la gente puede excavar y utilizar el calor de la Tierra para producir energía? Esta energía geotérmica puede alimentar tu computadora y calentar o enfriar tu hogar. Pero, ¿cómo se Read More →
Aprender sobre la energía hidráulica (Finding Out about Hydropower)
From the Series Searchlight Books ™ en español — ¿Qué son las fuentes de energía? (What Are Energy Sources?)
¿Sabías que se puede convertir la energía del agua corriente en electricidad? Esta energía hidráulica puede hacer funcionar la computadora y las luces de tu hogar. Pero, ¿cómo se obtiene… Read More →
Aprender sobre la energía nuclear (Finding Out about Nuclear Energy)
From the Series Searchlight Books ™ en español — ¿Qué son las fuentes de energía? (What Are Energy Sources?)
¿Sabías que los diminutos átomos que componen toda la materia contienen enormes cantidades de energía? Esta energía, llamada energía nuclear, puede alimentar el televisor y el refrigerador de Read More →
Aprender sobre la energía solar (Finding Out about Solar Energy)
From the Series Searchlight Books ™ en español — ¿Qué son las fuentes de energía? (What Are Energy Sources?)
¿Sabías que la luz del sol que calienta tu piel en un día soleado se puede utilizar para producir energía? Pero, ¿cómo se recolecta la luz solar y se convierte en energía que podamos usar? ¿Y Read More →
A Queen to the Rescue: The Story of Henrietta Szold, Founder of Hadassah
Henrietta Szold took Queen Esther as a model and worked hard to save the Jewish people. In 1912, she founded the Jewish women's social justice organization, Hadassah. Henrietta started… Read More →
Arabians Are My Favorite!
From the Series My Favorite Horses
Do you like horses? Then you'll love learning all about the Arabian. Arabians are proud and graceful animals, and they have plenty of spirit. Did you know that Arabians served as war horses… Read More →
A Rain Forest Food Chain: A Who-Eats-What Adventure in South America
From the Series Follow That Food Chain
Welcome to a South American rain forest! As you push your way through the thick, green jungle, you see, hear, and feel the wildlife. Howler monkeys screech overhead as they munch on leaves.… Read More →
Arctic Foxes
From the Series Early Bird Nature Books
In this Early Bird title, readers learn about the physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior of the arctic fox. Read More →
Arctic Ice Loss
From the Series Searchlight Books ™ — Spotlight on Climate Change
Climate change is causing Arctic ice to melt quicker than it can be replaced. But what happens when there is less Arctic ice? Discover what Arctic sea ice is and why it is important, how… Read More →
Arctic or Antarctic?
From the Series Red Rocket Readers Fluency Level 3
The Arctic and Antarctica are the wildest places on Earth. After millions of years, they have hardly changed. In the oceans, there are huge icebergs and tiny sea creatures. On the ice, there… Read More →