Editorial Review

Chicago Jewish Star

Cover: Sadie's Lag Ba'Omer Mystery

“Solving a holiday mystery is the mission of Sadie and her little brother Ori in Sadie’s Lag Ba’Omer Mystery by Jamie Korngold, illustrated by Julie Fortenberry (Kar-Ben, $7.95 pb), for early elementary-age kids.

They may be familiar with Sadie and Ori from other holiday stories such as Sadie’s Sukkah Breakfast (Jewish Star Review, Sept. 16, 2011).

This time, their grandpa sets them on a mystery search to discover what the holiday of Lag Ba’Omer is all about.

They look in books, ask others, find out some details but not enough. It’s grandpa who sits them down beside him and tells them some of the story.” — Chicago Jewish Star

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