Editorial Review

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

Cover: Cara Takes Time

“This leveled reader provides emergent readers with many opportunities to engage with the multiple layers of reading, including decoding, picture walk, and comprehension. The repetitive nature of the text and presence of helpful illustrations supports them in successfully decoding and reading the words on each page-spread. Additionally, readers get to discuss content beyond the words by analyzing the illustrations to draw early inferences. Lastly, it allows students to participate in basic comprehension by identifying the things Cara takes time to do, including walk, nap, and draw. This beautifully illustrated text is a part of the “I Care” series of leveled texts. These texts allow emergent readers to explore ways to function within the world. Although this is a single text within the set, the full set of readers pair both fiction and nonfiction texts for readers to have equal access to those genres at early ages. This text is a level A nonfiction text with lots of great characteristics and representation of family without all of the family presented together. While this is a great text, the inclusion of a table of contents might be a bit premature and unnecessary. Reviewer Rating: 5" –Children’s Literature

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