Editorial Review

A Mom's Spare Time


Review: Lion of the Sky—Haiku for All Seasons by Laura Purdie Salas and Merce Lopez

you gasp as I roar, my mane exploding, sizzling— lion of the sky! Haiku meet riddles in this wonderful collection from Laura Purdie Salas. The poems celebrate the seasons and describe everything from an earthworm to a baseball to an apple to snow angels, alongside full-color illustrations.

When it comes to poetry, my preference leans towards brief—Crane, not Wordsworth. Many children new to the genre feel the same way. Playing with numbers is fun, so haikus are a perfect introduction. Add in some riddles? Lively illustrations? We’re good to go!

The riddles aren’t difficult, especially paired with the beautiful illustrations, but they aren’t meant to be. Use this book to fire your class’s imaginations—or your own! A simple, conversational explanation of the form on the last pages is enough to get any reader started.

My favorite:
I’m afraid my photo doesn’t do the vibrant colors justice, so be sure to check it out for yourself!

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