Editorial Review

Midwest Book Review

Cover: Navajo Code Talkers

‘Navajo Code Talkers,’ from the series Heroes of World War II, tells the story of the successful communications of the Navajo code talkers, in the US marines, during World War II from 1942 through 1945, in the Pacific theater. This exciting true story of a Marine core of Navajo code talkers played a pivotal role in the military victory at Iwo Jima in February, 1945, as well as in earlier South Pacific battle engagements between the U.S. and Japan. Commanded to keep secret their crucial role in the Pacific theater for over 20 years, the Navajo code talkers program was finally declassified and the code talkers were allowed to tell their story and to receive honors and Congressional Gold Medals for their brave deeds. On the back of the medal was written, ‘With the Navajo language they defeated the enemy.’ Much more history and details about Navajo heroes is included in this excellent source of the contribution of the Navajo code talkers to the Allied victory in World War II. Also Included is a timeline, source notes, a glossary and suggestions for further information, plus photo acknowledgments. Middle grade and junior high readers will find this volume accessible and exciting to read. Also highly recommended is this title from the series by the same author: ‘World War II Spies and Secret Agents’ (9781512486421, $27.40 Library Binding, $4.99 Kindle, 32pp).

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