Editorial Review

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

Cover: Lights Out Shabbat

“Our young narrator tells of an unusual snowstorm in Georgia on a Friday night. He is spending the Jewish Sabbath at his grandparents’ when, after they light the Shabbat candles, the lights go out. They eat the delicious Shabbat dinner, ‘But the lights do not come on.’ This is the repeated refrain, as he and his grandparents keep busy despite the lack of electricity. His grandfather tells him stories until he is sleepy. The next day, in the very quiet house, they say a special prayer. Then he and his Nana make snowmen and take a walk. The snowmen melt while he plays in the attic. It gets dark outside, but still no lights. He and his grandpa look at the stars outside through a telescope. They celebrate the end of the Sabbath. When the lights finally come on, it’s a shock. The Sabbath rest is over for the electricity as well as for them. There’s a liveliness to Ebbeler’s slightly stylized portrayal of the family members: a thin old man with glasses, a plump gray-haired woman with lots of energy, and the active narrator observing the various rituals. Double-page scenes depict a comfortable, middle-class house and neighborhood. The scenes are rich with familial love and the Sabbath celebration.” —Children’s Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

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