Editorial Review

American Jewish World

Cover: Rise & Shine: A Challah-Day Tale

Rise and Shine: A Challah-Day Tale,” by Karen Ostrove and illustrated by Kimberly Scott, is an intergenerational tale of siblings Sammy and Sophie, who find a crumpled piece of paper in the pocket of an old apron. When they can’t read the letters written on it, they visit Grandma Gert at Shalom House. Grandma Gert tells the children that it’s a challa recipe written in Yiddish from her very own grandmother. And with the help of Aunt Jenny, Great Uncle Benny and even Grumpy Old Ned, they bake the challa just in time for Shabbat. This delightful story is told in rhyme and features fun and whimsical illustrations. It is intended for ages three to eight." —American Jewish World

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Rise & Shine: A Challah-Day Tale
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