David Lubar

Photo by Joelle Lubar
David Lubar has written more than twenty books for young readers, including Hidden Talents, Flip, Invasion of the Road Weenies, Punished, and My Rotten Life. His novels are on reading lists across the country, saving countless students from a close encounter with Madame Bovary. His short stories have appeared in the collections of such respected anthologists as M. Jerry Weiss, Don Gallo, and Michael Cart, and in a variety of magazines, including Boy’s Life, READ, and Nickelodeon. He has also designed and programmed many video games, but he’d much rather spend his time writing books and hanging out with librarians. He lives in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, with his wife and a variety of cats.
What was your favorite book when you were a child?
Any science fiction by Robert Heinlein or Isaac Asimov.
What’s your favorite line from a book?
It’s the opening sentence from The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint by Brady Udall.
Who are your top three favorite authors or illustrators?
Bruce Coville, John Steinbeck, and Katherine Paterson.
Why did you want to become an author or illustrator?
I always had lots of ideas and stories running around in my mind.
Do you have any advice for future authors or illustrators?
Pay attention to what you read. If you like it, ask why. If you don’t like it, figure out what the problem is. A writer should study books the same way a baker studies other baker’s breads and cakes.