Kathy Ross

© Moriah Zagaglia

Kathy Ross grew up in upstate New York in the 1950s. She credits her unusual and very creative elementary school education at Oswego State Teachers College coupled with a childhood that afforded her time to “be” for her endless ability to create. Kathy has written many children’s songs, is a writer for the Highsmith Summer Reading Manual, has made dozens of television appearances, and has given workshops for both children and adults around the country. Kathy has published more then 60 books to date. She was honored to be the featured author of the month on the website of the Children’s Book Council.


What was your favorite book when you were a child?

“The Little Maid” series of historical novels by Alice Turner Curtis. They are back in print! I especially liked Little Maid of Mohawk Valley because it was about the area where I lived. I still cherish My Bookhouse, a 12 volume set edited by Olive Beaupre that was my mother’s before my siblings and I got to enjoy them.

What’s your favorite line from a book?

“Nobody can be un-cheered with a balloon!” —Winnie the Pooh

That bear knows the value of life’s small pleasures!

Who are your top three favorite authors or illustrators?

I am a huge fan of the art of Charley Harper. We speak the same language . . . shapes! I love reading fiction, so I enjoy many authors. Pat Conroy, Richard Russo, Barbara Kingsolver, and Margaret Atwood are among my current favorites. Keiko Kasza is a favorite of mine in children’s books.

Why did you want to become an author or illustrator?

I have always loved to write and to make things! How lucky is that, to get to combine them!

Do you have any advice for future authors or illustrators?

Define yourself rather then letting others do it for you. You know what your gifts are and what you want to do with them. Now go have fun doing it!