Nevertheless, They Persisted

resist and protest

by Ashley Kuehl, editorial director of Lerner Publications

Do you remember the 2016 Dakota Pipeline protests? They’re technically over, and corporations are working to plan and build the pipeline. But protesters are still standing trial for their actions. These protests made national news and drew protesters of all ethnicities and backgrounds. American Indian activists, the instigators of this fight, have been protesting oil pipelines for years. They’ve also fought for land and rights that were unfairly taken from them, raised their voices against stereotypes of their culture in sports, and battled many other instances of discrimination and racism.

Young readers can learn more about these activists in The American Indian Rights Movement, part of our brand-new Alternator BooksTM series Movements That Matter. Other titles in the set cover the civil rights, gay rights, and women’s rights movements.

Cover: The American Indian Rights Movement

Who Protests? Who’s Changing the World?

Another recent Lerner Publications series covers activism at a more individual level. Each book in Who’s Changing the World? profiles ten to fifteen activists, both kids and adults, around the world.

Cover: Taking Action for Civil and Political Rights
Highlights from Taking Action for Civil and Political Rights include the founders of Black Lives Matter and a teenager who petitioned teen magazines to stop publishing altered photos of girls’ bodies.


Cover: Taking Action to Improve Schools
The activists in Taking Action to Improve Schools include a second grader who worked to stop bullying in his school and Malala Yousafzai, who risked her life to make sure girls could go to school.

And if you’re looking for biographies of individual activists, we have some great ones. Check out our Gateway Biographies series (aimed at a 5th-grade reading level), specifically John Lewis, Malala Yousafzai, Reshma Saujani, Muhammad Ali, and Nelson Mandela.

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Lewis risked his life in the Freedom Rides and other civil rights protests of the early 1960s.


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The Taliban shot 15-year-old Yousafzai for speaking out in favor of education for girls. She later won the Nobel Peace Prize for her activism.

I hope you and the young readers in your life find these titles delightful and inspiring. Stay tuned for more fantastic nonfiction from Lerner Publications!

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