Ready for Summer Reading?

Discover perfect picks for your library’s summer reading theme! Check out our booklists of titles related to this year's iREAD® summer reading program, as well as thematic lists for building your own summer reading collection. 

iREAD 2025: Level Up at Your Library

"Play is one of the ways we learn to relate to others, to think in new ways, and to foster friendships, new and old. Level Up at Your Library is an all ages summer reading program based around puzzles and games. Whether you’re playing with STEM concepts or gamifying your reading logs, learning to play chess or how to code video games, iREAD 2025: Level Up at Your Library reminds us that libraries are not just a space for knowledge, they are a space for fun!”— from the iREAD website

Explore Lerner’s book list for titles related to gaming, puzzles, mysteries, and more!
Books for Grades PreK-2

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Books for Grades 3-7

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Books for Grades 8-12

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Build Your Own Summer Reading List