Meet the Publisher: Soaring Kite Books

Soaring Kite Books

The Meet the Publisher series is an opportunity for us to introduce our publishing partners to you one at a time. Next up is Soaring Kite Books. Read on to learn about publisher Ceece Kelley’s vision for creating diverse, uplifting stories for children.

What is Soaring Kite Books?

Soaring Kite Books is a small Black-owned independent publisher formed to give a voice and a presence to underrepresented main characters in children’s books. While children can learn important values from book characters of any background, it builds children’s confidence and self-esteem to see and read literature featuring characters that look like them. We aim to give every child- especially children of color–a “that’s me” moment while reading our stories.

Soaring Kite Books founder and publisher Ceece Kelley
Soaring Kite Books founder and publisher Ceece Kelley

Tell us how Soaring Kite started?

In April 2020, shortly after I welcomed my first child, I started writing under the Soaring Kite Books imprint to reflect my interracial family. Out of the desire to give other children and families the opportunity to be represented, I later opened submissions to other diverse authors. Our mission is to create books that amplify the voices of underrepresented characters.

How would you describe your publishing vision?

Our vision is to build a collection of books by diverse authors that parents and readers can trust. We offer ‘own voices’ books by Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) creators as well as creators from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds such as those in the LGBTQIA+, disability, and neurodivergent community, to name a few. The desire to share stories to represent and inspire the next generation is what our creators have in common.

Any upcoming projects you’re particularly excited about?

So many! It’s like choosing a favorite child when you love all of them. I’m really excited about our Spanish-language offerings such as My Teacher Has Tattoos/Mi maestro tiene tatuajes along with the ¡1,2,3 Baila! Primary Concept Board Book series. I’m also excited about our Holidays In Our Home series, which launches this fall with The Lunar New Year Surprise. While our collection of books is small but mighty, we have such a diverse offering that anyone could love.

Anything else you’d like to add?

It’s an honor to work with such passionate creators who love what they do and Lerner who works hard to make sure stores, schools, and libraries have access to our stories.


As you can see, Soaring Kite publishes some really special and important books. Check out Soaring Kite’s complete list that Lerner is proud to help make available to readers everywhere.

One thought on “Meet the Publisher: Soaring Kite Books

  1. christinelouisejoan

    It was refreshing for me to read that Soaring Kite Books has a mission to amplify the voices of underrepresented characters, which in my mind means characters that have had unconventional in experiences and not often included as picture book material. Encouraging ! Thank you!

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