
From the Series To the Limit

  • Interest Level: Grade 6 - Grade 12
  • Reading Level: Grade 4

With dreams of becoming a professional snowboarder on her mind, Jessa drags her younger brother Pax up the tricky slopes of a mountain, ignoring warnings of an approaching storm. She’s having a great time riding the powder—until the storm everybody warned her about gets in the way. Now whiteout conditions make it too dangerous for them to continue. This would-be professional boarder must figure out how to get herself and her younger brother to safety before they both freeze to death.

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Interest Level Grade 6 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 4
Genre High/Low, Young Adult
Copyright 2019
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Darby Creek ™
Language English
Number of Pages 112
Publication Date 2019-01-01
Text Type Fiction—Action/Adventure
BISACS YAF001020, YAF059050
Dewey [Fic]
Dimensions 5.25 x 7.5
Lexile 670
ATOS Reading Level 4.7
Accelerated Reader® Quiz 500618
Accelerated Reader® Points 2.0
Features Author/Illustrator biography

Author: Vanessa Lanang

Vanessa Lanang lives and writes in California near Los Angeles.