Cell Biology, 2nd Edition

From the Series Great Ideas of Science

  • Interest Level: Grade 6 - Grade 12
  • Reading Level: Grade 8

What are cells made of? Biologists have been studying cells since the mid-1600s, when Robert Hooke viewed a slice of cork through a microscope and coined the word “cell” to describe the walled-in spaces he saw. Most cells are invisible to the naked eye. Yet they carry out the many complex processes that make life possible.

As microscopes have improved, scientists have learned more and more about cells and their organelles—the structures within cells. From the nucleus, the cell’s control center, to the tiny ribosomes, which help manufacture proteins, each part of a cell plays an essential role. This book tells the story of how biologists unlocked the secrets of cells and revolutionized the way we look at living things.

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Interest Level Grade 6 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 8
Genre Science, Young Adult
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Imprint Twenty-First Century Books ™
Language English
Publication Date 2013-01-01
Text Type Informational/Explanatory
BISACS YAN050000, YAN050010, YAN050030
Dewey 571.6

Author: Melissa Stewart

Melissa Stewart is the award-winning author of more than 100 nonfiction books for children. Her lifelong fascination with the natural world led her to earn a B.S. in biology and M.A. in science journalism. When Melissa isn't writing or speaking to children or educators, she's usually exploring the fields, forests, and wetlands near her home in Massachusetts.