Heat-Beating Sports Titles

Fun and Important Reads for Summer Days

If you’ve never been to Minnesota in the summer, you might be surprised to learn that our frozen tundra actually experiences 100+ degree weather sometimes! So while we make sure to stay hydrated as it heats up here, we also need air conditioned breaks to read about the sports we love to watch and play. Below are a few sports-themed books readers can enjoy on hot summer days.

My First Dino-Soccer cover
Page 1: Dino-dribble. Page 2: Side kick. Pass.

Dinosaurs playing sports is a winning combination, which you already knew if you’re familiar with the ever-popular Dino-Sports series by Lisa Wheeler and Barry Gott. These fun, high-energy books are now available in board book format too! Young fans will love the simple, rhyming text and action-packed illustrations. Soccer and baseball titles are here now, with three more sports coming in September.

Picture book biographies are a great way to introduce young readers to worthy heroes, and Rena Glickman, Queen of Judo is no exception. Rena Glickman, known professionally as Rusty Kanokogi, was a Jewish girl who grew up to become the preeminent female judo master of her time, overcoming many odds. At a time when judo was a sport strictly for boys and men, Rusty was determined to practice the sport she loved.

Head over to this post for more details about Rena’s inspiring story.

The road to equality in sports has been anything but straightforward, and there is still a long way to go. In Gender Inequality in Sports, you’ll delve into the history and impact of Title IX, learn more about the athletes at the forefront of the struggle, and explore how additional changes could lead to equality in sports.

You can also read why author Kirstin Cronn-Mills wrote this important book in her guest post.

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