Audiobooks Directly from Lerner!

by Kris Tomes, Digital Product Manager  

This fall, Lerner launched our very own audiobook player! Now you can listen to your favorite Lerner titles as multi-user audiobooks through Lerner Bookshelf on the web, and on your mobile devices using our Lerner Digital eReader apps for iOS and Android.

Here’s what it looks like

On your existing or new Lerner Bookshelf, audiobooks are noted by a red megaphone icon. Just like with ebooks, Audisee eBooks with Audio, and Interactive Books, you can filter audiobooks by age level, format, interest level, reading level, and series.


When you open an audiobook, you will see the cover of the book, followed by a table of contents which lists the duration of each chapter. The audio controls are located to the right of the table of contents.


When viewing an audiobook on a mobile device, the audio controls will appear on top, with the table of contents located below.


Audio controls include a standard Play/Pause button that toggles when you click it and a slider tool for volume. There are also buttons to rewind 15 seconds and fast forward 15 seconds. You can click on the Previous and Next buttons to skip to the previous or next chapter, or click on a chapter in the table of contents to skip to that audio.


Listeners can also bookmark spots in the audiobook by clicking on the top right bookmark icon. The bookmark icon will turn red when you’ve bookmarked the audio.


View all of your bookmarks by going to the Bookmarks panel, which occupies the same space as the table of contents. These bookmarks will include the chapter, the location in the audio, and when the bookmark was created. You can also delete bookmarks from this panel.

Bookmarks panel.png

Check out our full list of audiobooks available directly from Lerner! Or better yet — get a 30-day free trial and try out some Lerner Audiobooks for yourself!

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2 thoughts on “Audiobooks Directly from Lerner!

  1. janefharrington

    Excellent! Especially for children with physical or learning disabilities that interfere with their access to books. As a college professor who teaches kid-lit and oral storytelling, I look forward to using this resource with students. I’m also an author with two teen titles at Lerner, both crazy romps that could be fabulously funny in audio. Is there a process for making suggestions to your list? Jane Harrington

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